Christianity and Atheism
Are Atheism and Christianity incompatible? I woke up this morning and thought I would kick a beehive around for breakfast and explore this topic a little. Some of the most contentious debates in the dark corners of the internet revolve around atheism versus Christianity. Much of this topic, in my opinion, focuses on creation, evolution and the existence of God. If I were to distill it down to its basic element, it's a proverbial pissing match to invalidate the core idea of Gods existence. I think this is just a mask for the real agenda of both sides: the control of culture in order to propagate their world view.
Gaps between atheism and Christianity confuse the messenger with the message. Jesus is put into a status of hero worship. As far as I have seen, in Gnosticism, Jesus is the deliverer of the methodology by which we see knowledge. Do yogis worship Pantanjali, the writer of the Yoga Sutras? Not as far as I know. So, naturally, the key target of the atheist is to question the nature of Jesus's divinity, for if Jesus were not divine, the central tenants of Christianity are invalidated.
There are many people who seek knowledge, but are differentiated by methodology. Lovers of knowledge will seek to find answers weather it is through science, self-inquiry or the pursuit of mysticism. Gnosticism is the pursuit of Gnosis. Gnosis means knowledge in Greek. To be agnostic means to have no opinion on the subject of God, one way or another, although I have heard other definitions. The agnostic has one advantage over all seekers: a blank slate. When you take the agnostic and combine it with the active pursuit of divine knowledge, you get the Gnostic.
Gnosticism has roots in Platonic Realism. It's a fascinating subject that can be covered at great length, but I am going to touch on it briefly. Metaphysics developed out of this school of philosophy when Plato tried to attach meaning of the seen with the unseen. This is a "top down" approach. Gnosticism is a "bottom up" approach that uses methodologies an practices to bring the unseen into our perception. Yoga works the same way.
The religionist and the atheist are the same in the fact that they are unwilling to move from their positions of complete faith or complete skepticism. There also is the passive agnostic that is waiting around for knowledge to be handed to them without having to do their own investigation. Bravo to the person who has done the research and came to their own conclusions. That is what I did with Yoga and Gnosticism, I would not bother with them if they did not work.
I think we are quickly approaching a time were science and religion will merge into one single practice. With Gnosticism, we can work to know the unknown from the inside out.
I try my best to explain how symbolism works through the mind and what we can do to transcend its influence.
True Yoga and Gnosticism, it’s the sandwich of realization.